The Website: We get a lot of praise and a lot of brickbats for our website. We believe that beauty is on the inside. No flash extras that slow you down - no waving flags and driving trucks - asking you to download some Flash software to view the page. This is a custom built site designed to deliver you up to the minute information and service - with a unique interface - a site built in Newton's own image.
So on with the corporate bullshit so beloved of Google search engines and job interviewees:
Formed in 1964 Newton started with one tractor and trailer in haulage growing through the years to 25 owned trailers and as many as 15 sub contractors. During that time James Smith acquired an expertise and knowledge of the bulk transport market and became known as a good and honest dealer of tipping trailers.
In 1986 James sold the haulage business and since then Newton has become one of the largest dealers of used tipping trailers whilst also selling in the region of 35 % of new trailers in the UK each year. Newton estimates that there are around 12,000 tipping trailers running on the roads of the UK & Eire. We believe that as many as 10,000 of these may have been owned by Newton at some time or other in their lifetime. As there is probably no way of checking - we might even be the largest dealer of tipping trailers in Europe - perhaps even the Galaxy?
The company maintains a large standing stock of trailers at Ridgmont - typically about 100 to 150 trailers to provide an unrivalled choice of products. This helps us meet the specific needs of each customer whether it be new equipment or 20 years old.
In 1997 Newton started the hire of tipping trailers and now has a fleet of over 200 trailers. In 2003 Newton started to hire Moving Floor trailers. Moving Floor trailer hire was new to the UK at this time.
In 1999 Andrew Smith took over ownership of the company from his father James who retired from the business - however retirement for James means he now only works six and a half days a week and I haven't got the heart to change the locks.
In 1999 Newton became the exclusive agents for the UK & Eire for STAS tipping trailers and for STAS moving floor and STAS Keith Walking Floor® Trailers. Newton decided to move to STAS trailers because we considered them the market leaders in plank sided technology. We took STAS from little known in the UK to number one in 2004/5. We still service and sell STAS trailer parts.
In 2005 we decided to move away from STAS Trailers for commercial reasons to Fruehauf for our tipping trailers.
In 2007 Newton started to formalise the sale of tipping trailer parts and Moving Floor trailer parts. The website which is totally home grown now lists more parts for tipping trailers and Moving Floor trailer parts and spares than any other in Europe!
Expansion in 2011: the company moved to a bespoke new site near Milton Keynes with brand new 10 bay workshop and offices and 5 acres of hardstanding. Best of all it is just 200 meters from Junction 13 of the M1. If you ever want to know whether the motorway is flowing just give us a call and we will give you the latest update.
In September 2011 we opened our doors as a VOSA HGV MOT TEST Center for Milton Keynes.
2014 will go down as one of the best years in tipping trailer history - the market peaked and Newton Trailers cheered with the warmth of good growth. Newton developed up with Luck Fahrzeugbau one of the innovations of the decade - the sub 8 tonne steel tipping trailer - some 2 tonnes lighter than previous trailers of its specification laser cutting and laser welding - straight out of Goldfinger!!
2015 was an amazing year with Newton hitting 1000 trailer sales
And in 2016 we were so excited to be able to offer TITAN Trailers Inc of Canada products alongside our Knapen. TITAN are the king of the landfill - the most robust floors for the hardest of works anywhere in the World - what's not to like.
2017 was an amazing year. Newton hitting 1000 again. A good company in a good market.
2018 The year of the Luck. With almost 100 new Luck's entering into the UK market with their product leading 8,250 kgs how could we fail. Luck are fully owned by STAS - so after 13 years the market has gone full circle - back with STAS.
2019 Steady on - a volatile year with changes in the European market and uncertainty around Brexit the first half the year has been surprisingly good. Game of Thrones on TV is being repeated with manufacturers. Krone purchased our supplier Knapen, Wielton purchase Lawrence David, and a number of the UK manufacturers up for sale if the price is right. 2019 may go out with a bit of a bang!
2021 Winners and Losers. Some company'a response to the pandemic was luckier or better than others. Some suppliers tucked their head between their legs and kissed their arse goodbye whilst others weathered the storm. STAS maintained their supply of Luck and STAS tipping trailers and have thrived. Knapen and Titan increased production to the UK. With good partners like this Newton has been able to keep serving our customers during tricky times and have also increased market share.
2022 turned out to be our best year on record with over 50% market share in both tipping trailers and Moving Floors. Oscar Smith and Martha Smith joined the work force for the first time in their holidays to allow 3 generations of Smiths to be working under the same room - a bit like Christmas dinner.
2023 - will reveal itself in time. Looks like a difficult year for the UK and after the bumper 2022 everyone would expect numbers to be down - but Newton hope to keep giving you Honesty, Knowledge, Persistance and Efficiency
We started selling our first moving floor and Keith® Walking Floor® trailers in 1997 by accident. With help and support from both Keith Foster and Frans de Raad Newton moved horizontally for the first time. This happy chance turned into plentiful sales with STAS trailers in 1999. Interestingly we have now probably sold more new and used moving floor trailers and Keith® Walking Floor® trailers as a team than any other group in the UK. Moving Floor trailers are definitely a Knowledge based segment and combined with us being the largest supplier of Cargo Floor parts and service it means that in the UK this one eyed man is King.
In 2006 Newton Trailers we took on the agency in the UK and EIRE for Kraker moving floor trailers. Kraker represented a logical move post STAS in that they were the match of the STAS on quality but with more flexible production capability.
In 2009 Newton took on the Knapen Trailer range of products. Knapen are Europe's largest cargo floor manufacturer. Knapen are Dutch based manufacturer making typically 30 moving floor trailers per week. Joining with Knapen made 2010 a good year. We placed with Knapen the largest single order given in Europe - based on our 2011 requirement and a large Jenkinson Stobart contract.
In 2016 we were asked by TITAN Trailers of Canada to represent them in the UK for the heavy waste market. Knapen generously allowed us to represent both themselves and TITAN trailers understanding that it would enable Newton to grow market share in the UK for Moving Floor trailers which would allow them to grow with us at the Lightweight end of the market. The Titan Trailer has a large following in the landfill and refuse markets in the UK and is largely a replacement for the Ejector or Pushout trailers that are fast going out of fashion.
To support our moving floor trailer offer Newton are one of only two Official Cargo Floor agents for parts and services in the UK & Ireland. We carry a complete moving floor DOCTOR KIT for CF 300 and CF 500 systems and full sets of standard 6mm, 10 mm and HDI planks planks. We do also carry Keith Moving Floor parts and the 5mm Moving Floor and 10mm and Heavy Duty Impact HDI Moving Floor plank types.
We understand moving floors and know how to service and support them whatever the make. We hold in stock all common cargo moving floor components and a range of Keith® Walking Floor® planks for both companies and can despatch them within 24 hours to you. We also have a network of partners able to troubleshoot and repair cargo moving floors throughout the UK & EIRE. We can supply complete revision set floor systems for old worn out trailers with most plank types instantly available. We believe we are the only company able to make this claim in the UK.
Newton offer the ability to service Keith® Walking Floor® equipment. In many ways Keith are the Daddy of the floor world. Keith® Walking Floor® of America have supplied a significant number of Moving Floors - principally the Running Floor II floor system and the Workhorse - sometimes called the Running Floor III - into the UK market. Even though we do not ship that many Keith systems we are often the only idiot in town holding stock when all the other experts shelves are lacking. We are also expert trouble shooters of these systems and stock a range of spares for repairs. Call us or better still consult our website parts area for exploded views and pictures - or go to the website Resource Center for more complete information such as Keith Walking Floor® Manuals or Cargo Floor Moving Floor manuals.
Newton's new site offers us the opportunity to do speedy refloors and refurbishment of Walking Floor® and Moving Floor trailers. Typically a 6 mm floor refloor - including end caps seals, all new bearers (and there are often 800 of these) will cost £7, 500.00 including the labour. We aim to turn around a trailer in 2 working days.
2021 and 2022 - what a boom year for floors but probably representing the market peak. Many adopters of floors are not certain of the contracts and you could predict a sharp down turn in their popularity in 2023
We offer the largest rental or hire fleet of moving floor trailers in the UK market. We can do daily weekly, monthly or annual hire of moving floor trailers. We aim to always have a couple of trailers ready to go. Just give us a call - we have a solution for you.
This resource center has become too large and we have moved it to its own page.