As the saying goes......organise a piss up in a brewery. STAS set its dealer day in the beautiful St Bernardus brewery, Watou. STAS spend a fortune educating their dealers and hosted 200 of Europe's finest in Ypres in October. Even though we do not sell the STAS moving floor it was amazing to us to see the development of the moving floor side of STAS's business. Is there a factory to match it? STAS showed dealers and suppliers around the new factory extension in Tournai. Robot welding and robot sanding and painting - the new sander and paint process alone cost £2 million and the extension a further £6 million. If you love quality products you have got to love what STAS do for a living. As a near T totaller I could not make much of a dent in the brewery offering. We have been informed by others many times that we do not have a salesman at Newton - but with such fabulous engineering, and detailed thinking the STAS sells itself and Newton has to merely offer it to the UK market.
Posted by Andrew on 21/10/2021