Quotation For 1x New 2025 SDC Curtainsider Trailer
Newton Trailers Limited
Friday, 14th March 2025
Dear Customer,
Ref: SN1199
Thank you for the opportunity to quote for your 1 x new SDC Curtainsider Trailer.
Newton Trailers Limited is the UK & Ireland's largest seller of tipping trailers and walking floor trailers.
As a company we have been providing our customers with continuous service since 1964. The trailers we have constructed to our specification for you are aimed to typically deliver 15 years or more good operation to customers. We ensure that the manufacturer makes the product the way that is best for the customer not best for the manufacturer.
We support the product not just in year 1 and 2 but for its full life. We have the largest stock of specialist trailer parts on our shelves ready to go whether it be a grain sock or a door seal or a load cell – whatever the make of the trailer you purchase. We are unmatched in this regard by either the trailer manufacturers or factors.
Newton chooses to work with SDC Trailers for the supply of tipping chassis, platform trailers and curtain sided trailers. SDC are the UK's largest trailer manufacturers and get it right. Newton is SDC's biggest tipping chassis customer and we support their other products from our Milton Keynes base.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Newton Trailers Limited
Quotation For 1x New 2025 SDC Curtainsider Trailer
Prepared for SN1199
Length inside: ± 13,465 mm
Total height: ± 4,210 mm
Fifth wheel height: ± 1,250 mm
Width inside: ± 2,480 mm
Width outside: ± 2,550 mm
Side Aperture under pelmet: ± 2,587 mm
Trailer Weight: ± 7000 kg
Pallets and groupage; suitable for 6 axle UK 44T operation on road.
2" kingpin bolt-in, assembled in 8 mm rubbing plate.
Kingpin weight stated as 15,000 kg
Full Length constructed in Steel
SDC Universal coupling box is raised 600 mm high at the front bulkhead.
Sideguards: Aluminium Sideguards complete with Galvanised Folding Mounting Brackets fitted. 2 of side guard downstays fitted.
Buffers: 2 off STD 90mm Buffers Fitted on Rear Crossmember.
Lashing rings: 4 pair of chassis lashing rings fitted to the trailer.
Ladder: Galvanised Pull-out Step 2 rung is fitted at off side rear.
No ropehooks fitted to this trailer.
VTG 6A holder model no. TTC 20068 fitted to beam rear of landing legs N/S.
Rear underrun: Steel separate rear Infills complete with 100x100 crashbar fitted complete with plastic end caps.
Two speed JOST landing legs with rocking feet designed for trailers with air suspension.
Landing leg handle fitted UK nearside.
3 axles, BPW Axles. BPW drum brakes.
An Auto Reset Raise and Lower Valve is Fitted to Suspension O/S rear - Haldex Type.
6 x 385/65 R22.5 Bridgestone R 179 pattern R179: Fuel C: Grip C: DB 71 or premium brand tyres on Steel rims* (*unless sales option varied).
2 line air brakes to current EU regulations.
Electronic braking system Haldex Europe SAS EB+ 2S2M including QRV c/w TEM
Parking brake through spring brakes. Automatic slack adjusters Spring brakes fitted.
Pull Valves fitted off side.
60 liter steel air tanks.
24 V system with 24S, 24N and ISO 7638 permanent connections.
Sidelights are Rubbolite 890 LED.
2 rear marker lights fitted- 1 per side.
Rear marker lights are Rubbolite TL34 LED.
Front marker lights are Rubbolite TL34 LED.
4 front marker lights fitted- 2 top & 2 bottom.
Rear lamps are single Rubbolite 800 bulb.
Number plate holder with top light.
6 x VOSA regulation Bolt On Full Length Thermo Plastic Mudwing, 2 Off Mudflaps Fitted
Bodywork to conform to BS EN12642XL complete with decal
Front Bulkhead
SDC unique bolt on body, with pressed steel front corners & double skinned bulkhead with Cargo Strap Storage. Front Bulkhead is CS3 Design with Top Headers Front & Rear Galvanised only.
PVC 2 x 2 Weave Curtains complete with stainless steel tautliner push button positive lock buckles welded at 550 centers EN STD.
Curtains are disc located front and rear with front and rear ratchet tensioners.
Pelmet Colour is Black.
Curtain Straps are Black.
Webbing type grab handle fitted off side rear.
Curtains manufactured to EN 12641-2 standard (ENXL Rated)
Sliding Posts
2 pair off full length ENXL rated Hesterberg steel sliding posts complete with reinforced clamp lock
Floor Construction
Side raves: 125mm x80 mm x 3mm pressed steel channel. 'V' groove.
Cross members: are IPEA80 spaced at 450mm pitch.
Floor surface: 29 mm Wisatrans floor fitted between beams supported on all edges.
Lashing rings: 13 pair of T Bar deck lashing rings fitted.
Single skin aluminium freespan roof complete with alloy cantrail, galvanised roof sticks.
Fixed rear header bar galvanised.
Side mounted Henderson Track complete with 26 straps fitted.
Back Doors
Barn Door 50:50 full height ply/metal with double locking bars.
Wire rope door retainers fitted.
125 x 65 RSC bolted rear frame - painted only.
2 off STD 90mm buffers fitted on rear crossmember
Axles and suspension with manufacturer’s black anti corrosive coating. Hanger brackets, ram painted with chassis. Primer and top coats both 2 pack paint for both chassis and body. Temperature baked in oven for correct hardness.
Chassis paint colour: Blue
Curtain colour: Blue
Ex Ridgmont, Bedfordshire or by negotiation.
Call 01525 872466 and ask for sales and quote: SN1199 or email sales@newtontrailers.com
This sale offer is made under our Standard Sales Terms and Conditions enclosed or viewable on our website www.newtontrailers.com . All measurements quoted to manufacturers’ tolerances of ± 4%.
1 Year Manufacturer's Construction Chassis; 1 year Manufacturer's Construction Body. Original manufacturer's guarantees on body, chassis, axles, brakes, wheels, tyres, ebs, electrics, cylinder, sheet, weigher.
Nett cash at the finishing of the construction and before collection
TRAILER PARTS AND SERVICE CALL 01525 872466, EMAIL parts@newtontrailers.com OR VISIT www.newtontrailers.com

Terms and Conditions of Sale and Guarantee
Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Newton Trailers Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'the
Company) all quotations are made and all orders are accepted subject to the following conditions.
All other conditions whatsoever are excluded from the Contract or any variation thereof.
Quotations issued by the Company are not binding on the Company and are only available for
acceptance for a maximum period of 14 days from the date thereof. The Company is not bound by
any quotation until it has issued an acknowledgement of order.
In these conditions the word 'goods' shall mean new body work, hydraulic tipping gears and
hydraulic machinery or parts thereof and all other items manufactured, serviced or supplied by the
All prices are quoted net ex-works and are subject to fluctuation in the event of any increase in
the cost of labour due to National Awards or increase in the costs of materials and overheads.
Any increase in such costs during the period of production will be added to the quoted price.
In the event of any alteration being required by the buyer in design specification or quantities
the Company shall be entitled to make an adjustment of the Contract price corresponding to any
increased cost incurred by the Company as a result of such alteration.
The cost of carriage and packaging if required by the buyer shall unless otherwise stated be
charged extra. The cost of packing cases will be credited to the buyer on their return to the
Company in good condition carriage paid within one month of despatch to the buyer.
Delivery shall be taken by the buyer within seven days of notification that the goods are
available. Unless otherwise agreed charges for work done and goods supplied shall be paid in
cash on delivery. Where payment is not made and/ or where the buyer does not accept delivery
within seven days of notification the buyer shall pay interest on the total account from the date of
notification until the date of payment at the rate of two per cent per annum over Barclays Bank
Plc base rate for the time being on a day to day basis with a minimum interest charge of five per
cent per annum.
In addition to such interest as herein before charged the buyer shall be liable to the Company
for any loss or costs arising from non‑payment non‑acceptance of delivery and for a reasonable
charge by the Company for the care custody storage and insurance of the goods and the
Company shall be at liberty to sell the goods and retain all unpaid charges out of the proceeds of
sale but without prejudice to any claim the Company may have against the buyer in respect of any
loss so arising to the Company.
Time for delivery is given as accurately as possible but is not guaranteed. The buyer shall have
no right to damages or to cancel the order for failure for any cause to meet the delivery time
stated. Date of delivery shall in every case be dependent upon receipt of final instructions and
approvals being obtained from the buyer.
Subject as herein before provided the Company will endeavour to comply with reasonable
requests by the buyer for postponement of delivery but shall be under no obligation to do so.
Where postponement is agreed by the Company in writing the buyer shall pay all costs and
expenses including a reasonable charge for storage occasioned thereby. Times quoted for
delivery refer only to the date of completion of the goods at the Company's works.
Risk shall pass to the buyer when the goods or the relevant part thereof the premises of the Company for the delivery to the buyer not withstanding that the Company may be responsible for delivery.
Notwithstanding delivery and the passing of risk the title in the goods shall not pass to the buyer until the buyer shall have paid in full all moneys owing under this or any other contract with the Company.
If the buyer shall be in breach of the terms of the contract then all moneys owed by the buyer to the Company, whether under this Contract or otherwise, shall become immediately due and payable and the buyer hereby grants to the Company or its agents an irrevocable licence to enter upon the buyer's premises to recover and/or resell such goods as the Company may deem necessary to recover all sums owing to it by the buyer together with any reasonable costs of the Company so incurred.
Until all moneys owing to the Company (whether under this contract or otherwise) have been paid in full the goods shall remain the absolute property of the Company and the buyer shall hold the goods in a fiduciary capacity as bailee, and shall keep the goods separate from those of the buyer and third parties and properly stored, protected and insured and identified as the Company's property, but shall be entitled to resell or use the goods in the ordinary course of its business.
If these terms are held to be invalid to reserve the Company's title to the goods delivered under this contract by reason of the reservation of title until all goods delivered to the buyer by the Company have been paid for then nevertheless ownership of the goods delivered under this Contract shall remain with the Company until those goods themselves have been paid for.
The buyer shall not be entitled to pledge or in any way charge by way of security for any indebtedness any of the goods which remain the property of the Company but if the buyer does so, all moneys owing by the buyer to the Company shall (without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the Company) become immediately due and payable.
In the event of the goods or any part thereof being constructed, erected or incorporated in any part of the buyer's property or property belonging to a third party which is in the possession and control of the buyer, then in the event of:
The sale of such property the buyer shall hold that part of the proceeds of sale of the said property as is attributable to the goods (or such part of the goods as are contained in or affixed to the said property) on trust for the Company and will account to the Company for the part of the said proceeds of sale as are attributable to the goods.
The Company becoming entitled to repossess any goods by virtue of these conditions then the Company may take such steps as reasonably necessary to remove from the said property the goods which belong to the Company and the buyer shall be responsible for any damage to the goods and/or the said property howsoever occasioned.
Cancellation will only be agreed by the Company on condition that all costs and expenses incurred by the Company up to the time of cancellation and all loss of profits and other loss or damage resulting to the Company by reason of such cancellation will be reimbursed by the buyer to the Company forthwith.
Payment for goods is due net cash on collection or as previously agreed in writing by a Director of the Company.
If the buyer shall make default in or commit breach of the Contract or of any of its obligations to the Company or in case of non‑payment or threatened non‑payment of any instalment due under the Contract or if any distress or execution shall be levied upon the buyer's property or assets or if the buyer shall make an offer to make any arrangement or composition with creditors or commit any act of bankruptcy or if any petition or receiving order in bankruptcy shall be presented or made against him or if the buyer is a limited company and any resolution or petition to wind up such company's business shall be passed or presented (otherwise than for reconstruction or amalgamation) or if a receiver of such company's undertaking property or assets or any part thereof shall be appointed the Company shall have the right forthwith to determine any Contract then subsisting and upon written notice of such determination being posted by the Company to the buyer's last known address any subsisting Contract shall be deemed to have been determined without prejudice to any claim or right the Company might otherwise exercise.
Goods may be returned for credit only at the discretion of the Company but will then be subject to a handling charge.
Illustrations, weights, measures and performance schedules set out in the sales literature of the Company are statements of opinion and are provided for information only and form no part of the Contract.
The Company reserves the right without notice and without affecting and validity of the Contract to make such changes and / or improvement in materials, dimensions and design as it thinks reasonable and desirable.
It is an express condition of acceptance of an order that unless otherwise agreed goods sold by the Company shall not be exhibited by the buyer nor shall he permit them to be exhibited at any exhibition in the United Kingdom.
Repair work is subject to these special conditions:
Estimates for repairs are based on what can be seen without dismantling. Supplementary estimates will be submitted in respect of further defects coming to light as work progresses.
No allowance will be made for old parts replaced by new. Such old parts may be examined before taking delivery of the new parts after which the old parts will be destroyed unless otherwise requested.
The following guarantee shall apply (and in this clause the term 'goods' is defined within the limitations set out in sub‑clause (6) hereof).
Subject to the following provisions the Company guarantees that the goods have been manufactured in a good and workmanlike manner to a reasonable standard and with materials suitable for the purpose. This guarantee shall not apply if:
the goods cease to be owned by and in the possession and control of the buyer.
in the case of hydraulic tipping gears and body work a load has at any time been imposed in excess of the chassis and tipping gear manufacturer's recommendations.
the goods have without written consent of the Company been altered or repaired otherwise than by the Company.
any tipping gear has been fitted by any person other than in accordance with the Company's current fitting instructions and drawings.
designs other than the Company's own are used or work is done contrary to its standard practice or against its advice.
defects are aggravated by continued use after the defects ought reasonably to have been discovered.
if a body has been fitted which in the opinion of the Company is unsuitable.
No condition is made or to be implied nor is any warranty given or to be implied as to the life or wear of the goods or that they will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions notwithstanding that such purpose or condition may be known or made known to the Company.
Goods represented by the buyer to be defective shall not form the subject of any claim for work done by the buyer or for any loss or damage or expense whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from such defects but such goods if returned to the Company and accepted by it as defective will at the request of the buyer and if practicable be replaced as originally ordered. Defects in quality or dimensions in any delivery shall not be a ground for cancellation of the remainder of the order or Contract.
Guarantee Period: as stated on the relevant Acknowledgement of Order.
This guarantee excludes every form of liability for every form of consequential loss or damage. The Company will only be liable under this guarantee for the exchange or repair of any part or parts which have proved to be defective as a result of faulty workmanship or materials and the Company shall not be liable for any consequential loss or damage arising out of such defects.
The Company will not be responsible for any expense which the buyer may incur in removing or having removed or in replacing or having replaced any part or parts to be sent for inspection or in fitting or having fitted any new part in lieu thereof and all labour expended on any such inspection or any other work must be paid for by the buyer. The Company guarantees only those goods which are bought direct from the Company or from a Company distributor or from a motor manufacturer or bona fide motor trader or body builder (or in the case of hydraulic machine tools from a bona fide machine tool dealer). In particular this guarantee does not apply to proprietary articles not manufactured by the Company but the buyer may have the benefit of any guarantee carried by such articles which is capable of assignment.
This guarantee does not cover defects attributable to fair wear and tear, dirt, mis-use neglect or accident.
Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by the Company's negligence, the Company shall not be liable for and the buyer shall indemnify the Company against any claim made by reason of representation (unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at company law, or under the express terms of the contract, for any direct, special or consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise) costs, expenses or other claims for compensation whatsoever (whether caused by the negligence of the Company its employees agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the supply of the goods for their use or resale by the buyer.
Where the components supplied are 'safety‑critical' the liability of the Company shall be limited to the standard of production required by the appropriate quality control procedure of the Company at the relevant time and no responsibility is accepted by the Company for failure to comply with any regulations or requirements of any governmental or other authority.
All drawings documents and other information supplied by the Company is supplied on the express understanding that the buyer will not without the written consent of the Company:
Give away, loan, exhibit or sell any such drawings or extracts therefrom or copies thereof
Use them in any way except in connection with the components for which they are issued.
The Company accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information or drawings supplied by the buyer.
The buyer shall indemnify the Company from and against all actions, claims, costs and proceedings which arise due to the manufacture of components to the drawings and specifications of the buyer where such drawings and specifications shall be at fault or where it is alleged that they involved an infringement of a patent or registered design or other exclusive right.
The Company shall be entitled to appoint one or more sub‑contractors to carry out all or any of its obligations hereunder and hereinbefore.
The Company shall be under no liability for any delays loss or damage caused wholly or in part by causes beyond the Company's control including without limitation any act done pursuant to a trade dispute whether such dispute involves the Company's servants or not or otherwise arising out of any act matter or thing which is out of the control of the Company.
The Contract shall be governed and interpreted exclusively according to the Law of England and any arbitrator under the next following clause shall be governed by English Arbitration Law.
Any dispute arising hereout or difference as to the interpretation of these Conditions shall be referred to the final decision of a single arbitrator in England to be nominated by the parties or in default of agreement between the parties by the President of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Trades Limited.