Newton Trailers Limited News

Brexit - probably a bit worse than last update......... but could get better next update....

Brexit - probably a bit worse than last update.........


Getting close to the time when the even the Captain leaves the ship.  Theresa is set to pull the 'Meaningful Vote' in an announcement to Parliament. As speeches go it will be right up there with how to arrange your sock draw, and other essential things for the UK.

Posted by Andrew on 10/12/2018

Brexit - it's not going so well.

Just a quick correction to the last blog - it's looking pretty shite isn't it.

Posted by Andrew on 20/11/2018

Brexit - it's going well.

Brexit - it's going well.


Posted by Andrew on 16/11/2018

Fruehauf Price Increase 2019

Unfortunately due to supplier price increases there will be another substantial price increase on Fruehaufs in production after February 2019. Sorry.

Posted by Andrew on 08/11/2018

Chromium VI Ban from 1st January 2019

Chromium VI ban in 2019

Sorry to disappoint but this has nothing to do with Brexit but what story would be complete without the B word. Chromium VI is a miracle additive in the painting of trailers - it slows corroisions and helps the paint stick to the prepared chassis - it is also cheap. But because it kills the world and causes marine creatures to turn turtle it is banned from use in paints from January 2019. So manufacturers paint warranties will change - your 5 year warranties will soon be 2! Just thought you would like to know.

Posted by Andrew on 08/11/2018

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