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Trailers for Barley Trailer

Barley Trailers - Bulk Trailers for Carrying Barley in the UK

Newton Trailers is the largest supplier of tipping trailers and walking floor trailers to carry Barley in the UK. Barley is one the UK’s most important agricultural crops, with around 8 million tonnes produced annually and close to year round availability of home grown products for retailers.

Oats being harvested before being transported by a STAS Tipping Trailer (1)

Trailers for Barley Transport

Newton Trailers current first choice trailer for the transport of Barley is:

Recommended First Choice Trailer: STAS 71 cu yd Tipping Trailer 

Recommended Second Choice Trailer: Knapen 90 cu yd Agri Floor Trailer

Recommended Sales Options: Internal Body Camera and Inclinometer

Recommended Parts

Seasonal Hire: Yes seasonal rush but then year round store to mill.

Tascc Product: Yes

Product Density: 800 kg/m3

Trailer Volume: 71 cuyd

A tipping trailer should be able to achieve a payload of over 29.5 tonnes of Barley and a specialist Knapen moving floor is not far behind at 29.2 tonnes. If you use 8 million tonnes annual production this is 270,000 bulk loads per annum for UK hauliers to chew on! If you say 4 loads per day in the season and 250 days transport per annum then there is a need for about 270 UK bulk tipping trailers or walking floor trailers dedicated to carrying this product. This is a bit naive as a guesstimate - as the season is probably shorter and the loads per day may be all over the shop. There is a strong possibility that the UK will move to 46 tonne soon so perhaps a 75 to 80 cuyd trailer will be the best purchase?

Barley in the UK

Barley: is a seasonal product. Barley is strong in the East of England and will grow well even further north into Scotland and Aberdeenshire. However they are now moved to vast professional stores where they are stored at correct moisture levels to prevent spoilage. Historically every farm and village had their own large barn for threshing and storing. Economies of scale mean bigger regional storage centres and logistics are normal. This trend will continue. Previously small scale haulage was used. Logistics plays to larger professional haulage companies. Combine harvesting and professional farm contracting has decreased the time to harvest. It is becoming possible to harvest 500 ha in 24 hours. This puts pressure on the farm contractor to clear the field to the nearest Barley store. It is becoming possible to move from field to HGV at the roadside to increase capacity and efficiency. Arguably Agricultural Tractor and Trailer combinations regularly seen in the UK are operating beyond the legal masses and speeds. However this anomaly continues and will continue until DVSA takes it's enforcement roll seriously. The problem would be a doubling in the requirement of labour and tractor and trailers. This occurs in other European countries and is curious in a strong health and safety culture of the UK that this is ignored by police and DVSA. This swerves the logical current choice of trailers for Barley transport in the UK.

As a TASCC product Barley must only be hauled in TASCC registered trailers. It means that two separate fleets of bulk tipping trailers runs in the UK. Clean TASCC and 'dirty' non TASCC.

We can also offer moving floor trailers for Barley logistics. The normal trailer to carry Barley at 44 tonne in the UK is an aluminium bulker tipping trailer. There is also the possibility, as in Europe, to carry grains in moving floors. Obviously the moving floor offers advantages of horizontal discharge removing the dangers of tipping in agricultural conditions. The trailer can also carry palletised or bagged products or silage or straw bales. 

New Products for Carrying Barley in the UK

There are new products for carrying agricultural goods such as Barley entering the market. Knapen have teamed up with Krone to produce smaller volume trailers aimed at the 'chaser' agricultural field to store market. This product is manufactured for Newton Trailers by Knapen and is called the Krone KX 770 and is getting a lot of traction. In Europe walking floor trailers are used with large flotation tyres to drive onto the field surface to chase – collecting maize, Barley or root crops. Often instead of barn doors they have hydraulic door and automatic sheet systems to speed up loading and unloading. For use in the UK we would team up with VWS Weighing systems to give you accurate weights of the Barley loaded and cameras in the body showing you the loaded state. https://www.vwsltd.co.uk/ This means that you will travel down the road with a correct legal road weight every time and also know the loading of the material in the trailer is correct without getting the driver out to climb up the catwalk. An additional benefit of this collaboration between Newton and VWS is that you will know from a computer or phone where all your trailers are right now, where they loaded plus or minus 10 meters in the field or store all with stored online pictures of the load or empty trailer. Amazing.

Alternative products:

If you are hauling Barley using an agricultural tractor from the field very locally then there are excellent specialist products available in the UK. They will have large flotation tyres which are more soil friendly.

We like and recommend for Barley:

Larrington Trailers: we like them for their high quality and thoughtful design. They also understand and respect the limited Legal Weights for an Agricultural Tractor Trailer from Field to Store before moving to the Higher Legal Weights offered by an HGV Tractor Trailer

Barley Trailers From Field to Store

Larrington Trailers: we like them for their speciality and often cutting edge innovation.



We work and supply with most of the UK’s largest Barley hauliers and traders:

Frontier Agriculture 


Barley Recipe

And just in case all this reading has made you hungry as much as  I love selling tipping trailers I love getting my Barley ( married to a reformed vegetarian – what can you do?)

So why don't you try this great recipe? We recommend The Cheap Lazy Vegan Fried Barley recipe to start you off:



Barley recipe for the best barley tipping trailer and walking floor owner


If you are really bored you could listen to our Barley song:

Barley Song: insert MP3 here.

Barley Recipe



The best t shirts for the people carrying barley in tipping trailer and barley walking floors in the UK




Barley Clothing

Favourite Barley Clothing:

If you really know your Barley you could try this stylish T shirt: Click Here




Best Match Options Volume Payload
New STAS Plank Sided Tipping Trailer 71 CuYds (54.3m3) 29750kg
Used 2017 Fruehauf Plank Sided Tipping Trailer 70 CuYds (53.5m3) 29700kg
Also See 2015 Fruehauf Plank Sided Tipping Trailer 70 CuYds (53.5m3) 29620kg
Also See 2015 Fruehauf Plank Sided Tipping Trailer 70 CuYds (53.5m3) 29550kg
Also See 2015 Fruehauf Plank Sided Tipping Trailer 70 CuYds (53.5m3) 29550kg
Also See 2015 Fruehauf Plank Sided Tipping Trailer 70 CuYds (53.5m3) 29550kg
Also See 2010 Weightlifter/PPG Fabrications Plank Sided Tipping Trailer 65 CuYds (49.7m3) 29800kg
Also See 2009 Fruehauf Plank Sided Tipping Trailer 67 CuYds (51.2m3) 29800kg